OPERATING SYSTEMS - FALL 2020 ============================= = PART 2 == =========== Scope: create a simple command line interpreter, able to interpret a set of internally-implemented commands. Your task for this task assignment is to create a simple command line interpreter. The command line interpreter should offer the following facilities: * Accept user commands from command line. The interpreter will expose a specific prompt (e.g. '$>') showing that it is prepared to accept a user command. * Execute user commands, from the list of accepted commands. The following error situations MUST be considered: o Command execution returned an error. The exact error code must be reported. o Issued command is not an accepted command. Error information will contain 'offending' command name. o Arguments are in a wrong format: the only accepted format is "-o ARG", where ARG is the optional argument of your option. It is not accepted to use the '/' notation for options or the --option long notation for options. These errors should be identified during preprocessing of command line. IMPLEMENTATION SUGGESTIONS -------------------------- * Maintain and manage some environmental information, including the root directory, current directory, prompt, or environmental variables (some of the implemented commands will address these issues). * Offer a command called "help", that will list all available commands with implemented options. * Offer a command called "version", that will offer author information, versioning information, and possibly other valuable information. * All commands will be implemented as external functions. A library of functions could be developed for this purpose. o Each command will accept the main calling convention: int yourCommandFunction (int argc, char *argv[]) ;. Implementation of the additional main parameter (char **envp) is not required. o Each command will return success or an error code (see error code manipulation, above). o Each command could report additional error information prior to command exit. E.g. a command that opens an existing file will report the fact that the file does not exist or that it has no permission to access the file. REQUIREMENTS ------------ The following commands must be implemented, along with their parameters (see man help pages for information on each): 1. The "wc" command. Parameters that need to be implemented are: -c, -w, -l, -L 2. The "tee" command. Parameters that need to be implemented are: -a 3. The "cd" command. No parameters need to be implemented. 4. Your program must also support pipes in the commands, e.g. > ls -l | grep -e 'tmp' | wc -l (it must work with any type of command!) 5. Your program must also support redirection in the commands, e.g. > ls -l > out.txt (it must work with any type of command!) 6. Your program must support both pipes and redirection in the same command line, e.g. > ls -l | grep -e 'tmp' > out.txt (it must work with any type of command!) GRADING ------- A. Implementation of commands at points 1, 2, 3 above - 5 points B. Implementation of pipe support for all commands (item 4 above), including the custom ones implemented - 1,5 points C. Implementation of redirection support for all commands (item 5 above), including the custom ones implemented - 1,5 points D. Implementation of all commands (including the ones at points 1, 2, 3 above), including pipe support and redirection support (item 6 above) - 2 points = PART 3 == - OPTIONAL FOR AN EXTRA 2.5 POINTS =========== Your milestone 2 or 3 program must be extended to allow remote connections. You will need to write a client application to connect to the program, send commands to it and receive the output through the network socket used for the connection. Procedure is the following: > client 5050 (client connects to server running at IP, port 5050) $ Client connected, please enter command to send: ls -l | grep -e 'something' $ Server returned: ... (displays command output received from server) GRADING ------- 1. Server is supporting a single client connection at one time, all functionality working properly - 4 points 2. Server is supporting any number of client connections (multi-threaded server) - an additional 6 points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deadline: Week 14 (Operating Systems laboratory) IMPORTANT: No delays of any reason are accepted. A project that has not been delivered by the deadline is awarded 0 points. NO EXCEPTIONS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------